Gichuki Kahome

remote work

The Future Of Remote Work

If there is one thing that the pandemic has proven is that remote work is possible. And as Victor Hugo once wrote, “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose…


How SACCOs Work in Kenya

You may have heard a lot about Savings and Credit Cooperative Society commonly referred to as a SACCO. If you have wondered how SACCOS work or how to invest your money in a SACCO or the benefits of investing your…

Personal Finance Mantras To Live By

1. You Cannot Personal Finance Your Way Out Of Poverty The best selling secret to doing well financially is “cut on your expenses and live below your means. Only spend on the essentials and save everything else.” That’s the secret…

Rich and Anonymous

Rich & Anonymous

Social Debt Morgan Housel recently wrote a piece that left me in deep thoughts, He wrote(emphasis mine): “I once did some consulting for a family that’s worth $8 Billion. If you Googled their name, nothing came up. No Forbes list,…

irregular income

How To Manage Your Finances With Irregular Income

Nowadays, career paths have changed. There are a lot of people working in the gig economy as freelancers, content creators, project managers, product managers, and the like. With the rise in these seasonal opportunities to make money, there’s a need…


When The Money is Too Good

Last week, Piers Morgan in his show “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” hosted OnlyFans Influencer, Elle Brooke and the conversation left me in deep thoughts. Here’s the part that caught my attention. Piers Morgan: Tell me more about yourself. What were you…