I’m Gichuki Kahome, a committed advocate of empowerment and financial well-being. Personal challenges and successes inspired an interest in the financial industry and made me want to make finance easier to understand and less intimidating.

The best place to stack your emergency fund is in a Money Market Fund:

1. Your savings earn an interest that beats the inflation rate

2. You can access your savings within 1-3 days of asking

3. MMFs are low risk avenues, meaning you can hardly lose your savings

Remember to…

You can complain about taxes or learn how the wealthy legally avoid them:

Elon Musk refused a salary & took stock-based pay—lower taxes.

Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary due to capital gains.

James Mwangi of Equity pays more tax on his salary than his…


Several Banks report severe cash shortages as lovebirds turn banknotes into bouquets ahead of valentines day

It's rumoured that nothing says "forever" like money that wilts faster than your ex’s promises.

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