Gichuki Kahome

I’m Gichuki Kahome, a committed advocate of empowerment and financial well-being. Personal challenges and successes inspired an interest in the financial industry and made me want to make finance easier to understand and less intimidating.


I just put all these calculators on my website.

1. MMF calculator
2. T-bills calculator
3. T-bond calculator
4. Compound interest calculator

The MMF calculator even allows to download an excel sheet showing you how your savings earn interest even with monthly…

The KK regime is running out of ideas. They will soon hit a dead end.

1. Use police and goons to stop protests - Failed

2. Call the church for dialogue - failed

3. Compromise alleged Gen Z leaders - Failed

4. Try to dialogue with Gen Z - failed

5. Unite with the opposition -…

Let it be made clear that there's no room for dialogue with this KK admin

Let us all boycott that sponsored space.

Why are we listening to a guy who was asking whether someone who was shot 8 times is still alive?

If he wants to speak, we are deaf to words, act first!

Yaani you guys were serious about not buying bonds from gava?

Gava only raised 486M from a target of 20B!

That's 2.4%??!!

Kwani Gen Z wameoccupy CBK?

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