Gichuki Kahome



The Best Way To Plan for Retirement


The History of Retirement In 1881, the German Chancellor, Otto Von Bismarck, in a maneuver against Marxists who were burgeoning in power and popularity, announced that anyone over 70 years old would be forced to retire and that he would…

How To Get Out Of The Debt Cycle


Debt Culture Nowadays, debt has become so easily accessible that it is quickly ruining our future financial positions. Companies have reduced the old school bottlenecks that made access to loans difficult. It’s now easier to borrow money than to make…

How To Buy Shares in Kenya

If you have wondered how to buy shares of the most profitable companies on the Nairobi Securities Exchange- Safaricom PLC, Equity Group Holdings, Kenya Commercial Bank or East African Breweries. In that case, this article is for you. What is…

Why Saving Challenges Don’t Work


The first savings challenge I ever joined was when I finished high school. Even though I didn’t have a source of income, I figured out that the spare change I could keep from running some errands for my parents would…

The Hard Thing About Personal Finance


Last week I had a call with a client. We had a very heated conversation that we almost emailed Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, to add weapons to their google meet features. We were fighting over the virtual call. Here’s…