Gichuki Kahome

Category Kenyan markets

DhowCSD: How to Invest in Treasury Bonds Easily

DhowCSD login page

Treasury bonds are a secure investment option, offering higher interest rates than savings or fixed deposit accounts. They provide a reliable income stream with near-guaranteed returns and semi-annual interest payments. Additionally, tax-free infrastructure bonds allow investors to maximize their earnings…

Money Market Funds: An Introduction

A piggy bank containing coins

One of the asset classes crucial in wealth generation and protection is a Money Market Fund (MMF). In this series, we will dive into the depths of money market funds, discuss how they operate, analyse the different money market funds…

How SACCOs Work in Kenya


You may have heard a lot about Savings and Credit Cooperative Society commonly referred to as a SACCO. If you have wondered how SACCOS work or how to invest your money in a SACCO or the benefits of investing your…